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2024 校友 Achievement Award winners announced

兰多夫授予三位杰出毕业生学院最高荣誉之一, the 校友 Achievement Award, 在 团聚.

Diane “Misty” Matthews 沃克 ’74, Katharine “Kitty” Stark Caldwell ’74, and the late Sallie Crosby 史密斯 ’64 received the award, 每年颁发给那些体现了文科教育价值的毕业生的奖项是什么, on Saturday, 5月18日.

Sallie Crosby 史密斯 ’64

Photo of award winner Sallie Crosby 史密斯

Sallie Crosby 史密斯 ’64

史密斯, who died in October, was a dedicated educator, volunteer, and activist who was passionate about education, 多样性, 股本, 社区, and environmental safety.

A lifelong learner and gifted teacher, 她在学院学习社会学,并在特拉华大学获得硕士学位.

Her career in education included teaching, and later serving as elementary school director, for the Pilot School, an innovative school for children with learning challenges in Delaware; teaching English in an evening high school equivalent program; and serving as president of the Nursery Kindergarten Association of Delaware.


Throughout her career, 她还获得了特拉华州颁发的年度成人和社区教育家奖, 以及国际阅读协会颁发的阅读成就奖.

After retiring in 2004, she started her own tutoring business, Unlocking Potential, in Fairhope, 阿拉巴马州, and founded Read Aloud Baldwin, 这个项目安排志愿者为她所在社区的学龄前儿童和幼儿园儿童读书.

Social justice issues were close to her heart. In Delaware, 她在一所女子监狱里建立了一个儿童图书室, 因此,被监禁的母亲可以在探视期间给孩子读书.

She was involved in the founding of Hope Community, a Fairhope, 阿拉巴马州, 非营利组织的使命是通过人际关系和互动教育来培养团结和人权, and was a member of her church’s Path to Peace ministry.

While battling cancer, 史密斯 started the Coal Ash Action Committee, 它的成立是为了解决莫比尔湾流域长期存在的环境威胁,并致力于安全处置煤灰和实施保护性法规.

该组织成功地游说环境保护署结束了莫比尔河和天索河三角洲的煤灰控制. 他们的努力在2023年获得了年度分水岭奖,由 Mobile Bay Magazine to recognize environmental guardians.

Diane “Misty” Matthews 沃克 ’74

President Sue Ott Rowlands presents Diane "Misty" Matthews 沃克 '74 with a bowl 在 the 校友 Achievement Award ceremony. 沃克 is a longtime 社区 leader, volunteer, 她一生都在支持儿童和心理健康项目.

弗吉尼亚包容性社区中心人道主义奖获得者, 她是创造“惊奇广场”的梦想家之一, 这是林奇堡市中心一个全国公认的儿童博物馆.

她也是弗吉尼亚州中部危机热线的创始董事会成员, the Child Sexual Assault Task Force, the Coalition for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, and Lynchburg Grows.

沃克, who studied psychology at the College, 她在肯塔基大学获得了儿童心理学硕士和博士学位. After her master’s degree, 她找到了一份在肯塔基州阿巴拉契亚地区实施《365亚洲版》的工作.


Upon moving back to Lynchburg, 沃克在中弗吉尼亚社区服务委员会设立了儿童心理健康项目. 她监督治疗师,并为当地学校提供咨询, social service systems, and juvenile court facilities.

She is a Eucharistic minister for St. 约翰的圣公会教堂,也曾为“送餐上门”服务, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Family Services, Seven Hills School, and James River Day School.

2000年,她获得了基督教女青年会颁发的杰出女性成就奖. In addition, in 2002, 她被林奇堡筹款专业人士协会评为杰出志愿者筹款人.

Katharine “Kitty” Stark Caldwell ’74

President Sue Ott Rowlands presents a bowl to Katharine "Kitty" Stark Caldwell '74 在 the 校友 Achievement Award ceremony. 作为一名艺术爱好者,考德威尔信奉学院的校训, Vita abundantior, and served as a leader for numerous organizations. 多年来,她还帮助指导365亚洲版学院迈尔艺术博物馆的咨询委员会.

A dedicated 社区 leader, she founded the Passport Scholars Program, which gives low-income students in Hamilton County, Tennessee, 有机会出国旅游或参加暑期丰富活动. She ran the program for six years, 在接下来的14年里,它成为查塔努加公共教育基金会的一部分.

她还自愿担任大查塔努加联合艺术的导演, the Boys and Girls Club of Chattanooga, and the private Girls Preparatory School.


考德威尔于2002年至2012年担任该学院的前受托人. 此外,她还主持了机构发展委员会和成员/托管委员会.

In 2022, she and her husband, 黑客, received the Ruth Holmberg Arts Leadership Award, 该奖项旨在表彰对查塔努加艺术做出重大贡献并积极参与其文化生活的个人.

Her ties to Randolph remain strong. 她是Vita abundance Society的成员,2016年,她将这座迷宫赠送给了学院.

In 2011, 兰多夫以她的名义建立了考德威尔公共场所,以表彰她长期以来的支持和服务. The same year, 她还资助了一本记录学院100年当代艺术年度展览的图画书的创作.

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